Program Areas: The Xerox Foundation assists a variety of social, civic, and cultural organizations that provide broad-based programs and services in cities where its employees work and live. The foundation also awards grants to colleges and universities to prepare qualified men and women for careers in business, science, government and education; to further advance knowledge in science and technology; and to enhance learning opportunities for minorities and the disadvantaged.
Worldwide, Xerox philanthropy tries to engage national leadership in addressing major social problems and to support programs in education, employability, and cultural affairs. Other areas of particular focus include programs responsive to the national concern for quality and increased productivity, the application of information technology and general education.
Targeted Area: Northeast, Southeast, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, Southwest, West, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands.
Eligibility: Grants are made only to organizations that have been granted exemption from Federal Income Tax under Section 501 (c)(3) and ruled to be publicly supported under Section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Internal policies, a limited annual budget, and/or application of Federal law require the Foundation to decline requests to support:
- Individuals.
- Capital grants (must be approved by the board of trustees).
- Endowments or endowed chairs.
- Political organizations or candidates.
- Religious or sectarian groups.
- Municipal, county, state, federal, or quasi-government agencies.
Application Process: The foundation does not use a specific application form. Requests for grants/funding should be submitted in letter form describing the project or program. This request should contain:
- Legal name of the organization.
- Official contact person.
- Tax-exempt status.
- Brief description of activities and programs.
- Purpose for which the grant is being requested.
- Benefits expected.
- Evaluation plans.
- Projected budget.
- Expected sources and amount of needed funds.
Grant reviews take place monthly and the board of trustees meets several times a year. Grants may be approved for more than one year (multi-year grants). All organizations that have previously received support on an annual basis from the foundation, must resubmit a request each year to be evaluated for continued support.
Send grant request to:
Dr. Joseph M. Cahalan, Vice President
The Xerox Foundation
P.O. Box 1600/800 Long Ridge Road
Stamford, CT 06904
Deadlines: Ongoing.
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