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The guests on the show included:
- Dr. Will Bundy - Professor, US Naval War College - Dr. Bundy is a Naval War College Professor and a retired Navy captain. He was the first African American to rise from the enlisted ranks to command a submarine and the third African American to command a submarine. He served on National BDPA Board of Directors as an ‘outside director’ for a number of years. He was the inspiration behind the BDPA IT Institute and the BDPA Epsilon Awards. He was also instrumental in bringing Fleet Boston to BDPA as our first-ever ‘Platinum Level Corporate Sponsor’ in 2002.
- Angela Bryant - Chapter President, BDPA Indianapolis - BDPA Indianapolis chapter is the 11th-largest chapter in the nation. They quietly have built a very effective organization that regularly competes in the National BDPA HSCC championship. The chapter has a strong program that attracts female students and members into leadership positions. Also, the chapter has a very strong partnership with Fortune 100 company Eli Lilly. Eli Lilly provides scholarships, funding and mentorship for Angela and her chapter. These are all ‘best practices’ that Angela can share with others via her interview on BDPA iRadio Show.
- Chris Jacocks - Chief Executive Officer, From Geek to Urban - Chris participated in the BDPA HSCC program as members of the national team trained by BDPA Middle Tennessee chapter in 2009 and 2010. Chris is now a graphics design major at The Art Institute. He attended the 2011 BDPA Technology Conference in Chicago as a summer intern with Deloitte. He is the CEO for his own clothing line … using the skills developed while in the HSCC program. Chris is the embodiment of our ‘classroom to boardroom’ message!
There were some great discussions between our guests and Franne McNeal on the show. What aspect of the show did you enjoy the most?
All - The best quote from tonight's show came from Chris Jacocks who said, "It's cool to be smart!"