Friday, November 25, 2011

Grant Declination: HCA Foundation (BDPA Middle Tennessee)

BDPA Education and Technology Foundation (BETF) sadly reports that our grant proposal submitted to the HCA Foundation on behalf of BDPA Middle Tennessee chapter has been declined. The declination letter read as follows:

Dear Mr. Hicks,

Your grant proposal has recently been reviewed by Foundation staff. Following careful review, we have determined the request to be outside the stated guidelines and current funding priorities of the Foundation. As you can well imagine, the level of requests to support worthy projects and programs far exceed our available resources. Therefore, we are not able to provide funding as your request fails to meet one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Relationship to HCA's Mission/Strategy
  2. Critical Need in Our Community
  3. Measurable Outcomes
  4. History and Depth of Relationship with the Organization (Board Service or Significant Year-Round Volunteer Involvement)
Thank you for your interest in the Foundation. We wish you success with your endeavors.

Lois Abrams
Grant Manager

BETF and BDPA Middle Tennessee are both disappointed in this result. However, we feel strongly about the youth education programs taking place in the greater Nashville area. We will continue to aggressively pursue other funding sources in the coming weeks and months.

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