Thursday, February 9, 2012

Computer Science Collaboration Project

The Computer Science Collaboration Project (CSCP) is offering mini-grant funding as an incentive for collaborative projects to efficiently increase the participation of African American K-12 youth in computer science. These mini-grants are designed to build collaboration between participants from K-12 settings, community-based organizations, higher education, and industry to encourage African American youth to explore and/or pursue computer science educational programs and careers. In addition to awarding mini-grants, CSCP activities include in-person and online collaboration opportunities, dissemination of exemplary practices via a website, webinars, and professional development events.

  • Mini-Grant Amounts: The mini-grants are considered seed funding and are not intended to fully fund on-going projects. There are two funding levels: 1) up to $1,000 and 2) $1,000 to $5,000. Collaborating partners can be from K-12 settings, community-based organizations, higher education, and industry.
  • Use of Mini-Grant Funds: Funds must be used for direct programming needs for projects that occur within the period of April 2, 2012 to October 31, 2012. Allowable uses of funds are: essential project/activity supplies, transportation for participants, food for events/meetings, and stipends. Funds cannot be used for expenses such as, but not limited to, alcoholic beverages, indirect charges/administrative overhead, capital expenditures and computer hardware (servers, desktops, laptops, etc.). Expenses must be detailed in the project budget.
  • Cost-Sharing: When cost-sharing (e.g., with a corporate partner or school districts) assess what your partner(s) can contribute and the in-kind donations that can be obtained to ensure that you provide an accurate and detailed budget projection and funding request on the application form. The total amount of contact hours with youth will also be taken into consideration. The higher the amount of funding requested, the higher amount of contact hours will be expected.
Project activities must occur between April 2, 2012 and October 31, 2012.

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