Thursday, July 19, 2012

BDPA Announces Its Top Epsilon Awards for Corporations and Individuals in the IT Industry

Since its inception in 1975, BDPA has been a strong advocate of promoting and advancing the interest and careers of African Americans in the field of computer science and information technology. Furthermore, BDPA has cultivated and sustained mutually beneficial partnerships with public, private and government entities that employ our members or support our on-going efforts to be a powerful advocate for our stakeholders' interests within the global technology industry.

During the National BDPA Technology Conference, scheduled to occur August 1-4 at the Baltimore Hilton, BDPA will recognize corporations and individuals who personify excellence, demonstrate a commitment to people and understand that fostering a culture of diversity has bottom line business value.   The recognition is via BDPA's Epsilon ('Star of the Highest Magnitude') Award.

The BDPA Corporate Epsilon award, known as the 'Top Companies for Blacks in Technology Award' recipients will be presented during the Dignitaries Reception on Friday, August 3rd. The award recipients (in alphabetical order) are:
  1. Health Care Service Corporation
  2. HP
  3. Intel
  4. Johnson & Johnson
  5. Merck
  6. Walmart
  7. Wells Fargo
  8. WellPoint
The individual Epsilon Award recipients and Top Company for Blacks in Technology will be announced during the Awards Gala on Saturday, August 4th. The individual recipients (in alphabetical order) are:
  • Rashsaan Alston (Wells Fargo) - Most Promising Technologist
  • Susan Barker (General Electric Healthcare) - Professional Achievement
  • Julius Clark (Wells Fargo) - Career Achievement
  • Gwendolyn Davis (Key Bank) - Career Achievement
  • William Holdipp, Jr. (Cleveland African American Organization) - Community Service
  • Baron Thrower (The Thrower Group) - Professional Achievement
National BDPA would like to see a standing-room only crowd at the Awards Gala in Baltimore on Saturday, August 4 when these corporations and individuals are publically recognized. Please contact BDPA at (301) 584-3135 to purchase a table or tickets for the Awards Gala. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jesse Mathews at

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