Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Future Face of Technology: Justin Harris (PentaPlate, BDPA Triangle Chapter)

It is a privilege to be part of an organization that provides programs, scholarships and services from the 'classroom to the boardroom' in our effort to advance the careers of African Americans in the IT industry. BDPA hosted over a hundred high school students at our 34th annual BDPA Technology Conference held earlier this month in Baltimore.

Justin Harris was one of the young men at the conference. Justin is a 10th grader attending East Chapel Hill High School in Durham, NC. He enjoys entrepreneurial activities, film making, web designing, wrestling, and other martial arts. He competed in the 2012 High School Computer Competition as part of the national team trained by BDPA Triangle chapter.

But, Justin is more than just a high school student and HSCC alumni ... he is also an entrepreneur and a 'future face of technology'! You see, Justin is co-owner and CEO of PentaPlate. Justin founded PentaPlate in July 2011, with one goal in mind, expand the world of teenage business. As an entrepreneur, tech wizard, and firm believer in collaboration, Justin hopes to help fellow entrepreneurs by offering advice on management, expansion techniques, innovative use of technology, and personal networking. He relishes the opportunity of fulfilling his dream: create the only social network for teenage entrepreneurs to build teams, collaborate on business ideas, and find investors.

Justin shared more with us about his company and vision:
"At PentaPlate, we strongly believe in teenage collaboration! PentaPlate is the first teenage-run consulting company, for teenage-run businesses in the world. We provide executive advice, business development, web development, guerrilla marketing techniques, and professional help. We make teenage entrepreneurs grow – and all for free! Every year we select five teenage entrepreneurs to participate in our free 8 month long consulting program. Again, we provide all of our consulting for free.

Currently, we're working on building Envision — The world's first teenage entrepreneur social network! Envision will allow all teenagers to share their ideas, build a team, and receive funding via a secure donation application on Envision. Envision will be programmed in PHP/MYSQL, which I am excited to be learning more about in the BDPA Triangle SITES program! I have big plans to expand the world of teenage business. As an entrepreneur, tech wizard, and firm believer in teenage collaboration, I hope to help fellow entrepreneurs by offering advice on management, expansion techniques, innovative use of technology, and personal networking. One day, teenagers all over the world will be able to http://EnvisionWith.Me."
Methinks that we'll be hearing more about this young squire for many years to come!

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