Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Walmart Makes Bronze Level Sponsorship Commitment to BDPA

Built on the principles of leadership through service, Walmart recently joined the growing list of Bronze Level Corporate Sponsors at this year’s 35th Annual National BDPA Technology Conference and Career Fair on August 14-17, 2013 in Washington DC.
"We're proud to be part of the annual BDPA Conference," said Fumbi Chima, Walmart Vice President of International Integrations. "We know that supporting STEM programs and careers in science, technology, engineering and math help prepare young professionals for exciting opportunities and challenging careers."
Committed to quality products, innovative thinking, creative leadership, and sustainability, Walmart’s global reputation of community goodwill continues to be built on trust, confidence, and reliability. Every day, Walmart helps over 200 million customers improve their quality of life by saving them money at 10,700 stores in 27 different countries. In FY’13, Walmart reached $466 billion in record sales.
"We are excited to have Walmart as a partner this year. Not only will their contribution support the conference programs, it will help BDPA maintain our education and outreach programs to advance STEM careers," said Monique Berry, National BDPA president.
As a global member-focused technology organization with 46 active chapters in the United States, BDPA continues to stand as a leader in delivering 21st century technological programs, college scholarships, mentoring and services for youth and adult Information Technology professionals. BDPA is honored to partner with a world class organization such as Walmart.

For more information on the BDPA Corporate Sponsorship program, contact BDPA Corporate Sales Department director Wayne Hicks by email (corpsales@bdpa.org) or phone (513.284-4968).

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