Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Message from BDPA Huntsville Chapter President (July 2013)


As the new President of the BDPA Huntsville Chapter, I accept this position with great joy and enthusiasm. Equally, I am looking forward to leveraging membership expertise and participation in a team approach to strategically grow the Huntsville Chapter.

During our Meet and Greet, I will provide a brief Bio of career highlights (see below).

To build upon previous groundwork, the first order of business is determining continued membership interest. According to BDPA National records, there were a few memberships that expired in June 2013 and the balance of the memberships expire between now and July 31, 2013. If you are interested in maintaining your membership and being an active part of the Huntsville Chapter, please consider renewing your membership today. 

Membership Benefits and Rewards:
  1. Networking Opportunities
  2. Professional Development & Career Center
  3. Mentoring Opportunities
  4. Civic Involvement
  5. Strategic Growth of STEM
  6. Membership Rewards Program  ****NEW****
Please renew your membership by August 1, 2013.

Your membership is important on both the National and Local level for the following reasons:
  1. To continue chapter eligibility/recognition we have to maintain 10 members
  2. Also, to be eligible to vote at the National Conference our chapter has to be a recognized chapter.
  3. Finally, we want and need you to support and participate in the strategic growth and development of this chapter!
Meet & Greet/Chapter Meetings/Chapter Calendar
Please plan to attend our first chapter meeting together this coming Thursday, July 11th at noon. We request your presence to re-energize this chapter. Your inputs, suggestions, recommendations are needed.

The meeting will be held here at Tec-Masters. in the Corporate Conference Room. I will send a virtual meeting notice under separate cover. Lunch will be provided by the Huntsville Chapter Sponsor, Tec-Masters. Please RSVP to ensure we have an accurate head count.

  • Welcome
  • Introductions
  • Old News & Minutes
  • New News
  • Chapter Membership
  • Chapter Committees
  • Chapter Calendar
  • Strategic Vision
  • Wrap-Up
  • Adjourn
 * Please forward any agenda items to me by COB Wednesday for inclusion in Thursday’s meeting.

National BDPA Technology Conference
The 35th annual BDPA Technology National Conference will take place on August 14-17, 2013 in Washington, DC.   I will be attending the National conference. Curious to know how many of you are planning on attending the National Conference? Your attendance in helping me represent the Huntsville Chapter is welcomed. Additionally, we can synchronize our coverage of conference sessions to provide a report back to the Huntsville membership upon our return.

Please let me know if you plan to attend.

In Closing
I am honored to serve as your new Chapter President. Let’s work together for the common good of the organization’s mission and vision, our constituency and the Greater Huntsville Area to make our chapter the Premiere Chapter of BDPA!
  1. Establish our presence – Who we are, What we are about
  2. Promote Excellence “from the classroom to the boardroom”, not only in the areas of STEM & IT, but in everything we do!
  3. Promote Civic Duty
  4. Be a Resource within the community – Students, Professionals, Entrepreneurs
Yours in Service,
Carol Bell, president
BDPA Huntsville Chapter

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