Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: National BDPA Officers (1993-1994)


  1. All - These are the officers who provided executive leadership for National BDPA in 1993-1994. We think that this photo was taken at the 4th quarter National BDPA Board of Directors meeting held November 1994 in San Francisco, CA.

    L-R: James Banks (corresponding secretary), Roxanne Burrus (treasurer), Diane Davis (president), George Williams (vice-president) and Barbara Fuller (recording secretary).

    Photo Credit: Richard Clement

  2. I was at this meeting and an unelected officer serving on the national board. This was an exciting time of change in BDPA and I feel fortunate to have been "in the mix". So sad on the lost of our dear sister Barbara Fuller. She was a real inspiration to this team and in life. CurVie Burton


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