As we enter the last month of the first quarter for 2014 – it’s Full Speed Ahead!
Black History month is rapidly fading in our rear view mirrors and ahead is a full month of activities for our chapter and its members! While we accomplished great things in February including passing our 2014 budget, recognizing our 2013 High School Computer Competition (HSCC) team, holding our Corporate Advisory Council meeting, and bringing on-board two more BDPA volunteers – we still have a full deck ahead of us! So GREAT JOB TO ALL FOR YOUR FEBRUARY VOLUNTEER EFFORTS! (T)ogether (E)veryone (A)chieves (M)ore!
The month of March is starting off with more challenges. We need to fill our remaining open board positions. If you are not ACTIVELY participating on the BDPA board, please give consideration to lending your time and talent to the success of this organization. We need you. Your community needs you. Our students need you. The time commitment is roughly 4–6 hours a week when we are at full board strength. Can you lend a hand? Contact me directly if you are interested and visit our chapter landing page to see which positions are open and are of interest to you. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
At our monthly program meeting on March 19, our guest speaker, Dr. Russ McMahon, will speak on the 'History of Computing in Cincinnati'! This will be a very engaging and exciting exchange of ideas and information. As always, bring your resume and business cards at this professional development and networking opportunity session. You can sign up to attend this highly interactive and informative session here.
A huge THANK YOU to two of our corporate sponsors this month. First, Cincinnati Bell provided sponsorship for 60 student memberships. Secondly, Northern Kentucky University provided sponsorship to support our HSCC team going to the national HSCC championship later this year! The 36th Annual National BDPA Technology Conference will be held in Indianapolis, IN this year from August 5-9, 2014. These financial investments are critical to the success of our chapter. This funding increases our ability to engage and connect these under-served youth on their BDPA developmental journey 'from the classroom to the boardroom'!
Our Youth Technology Computer Camp is going strong as well with 16 students in attendance at the Saturday classes being held at Cincinnati State Technical College. Visit the BDPA Camp website for more information or to contact the training team. Also, we encourage any of you who will be in the Charlotte, NC area on March 14-15, to say hello to our very own Hadiya Harrigan as she is recognized for winning the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing! Congratulations again Hadiya! We are very proud of you and your accomplishments!
As always, your feedback is earnestly solicited. Send me a note or pull me to the side at the monthly program meeting. This is YOUR chapter.
- Are you feeling engaged?
- How is your BDPA membership working out for you?
- How can we improve the value of your membership?
Dalric Webb, president
BDPA Cincinnati Chapter
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