Monday, June 2, 2014

Message from BDPA Cincinnati Chapter President

Dalric Webb
Hard to believe it is June already with the whirlwind of activity planned by the hardworking volunteers within the BDPA Cincinnati chapter!  As we start full tilt into the summer months, please join me in celebrating the efforts of some of our notable members.

First, we thank Carl Matthews (Group Three Systems) for his project management leadership of the 2014 BDPA Midwest Regional High School Computer Competition and IT Showcase. Teams from Chicago, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Los Angeles will participate in this event as a warm-up to the upcoming National BDPA Technology Conference on August 5-9, 2014 in Indianapolis. Carl has a support team including Frank Hill (Hiltonics Computer Associates), Deborah Prince (xpedx), and Karen Lipscomb (Yoh). Together, this team is on track to deliver an outstanding regional event on June 21st.

Second, I’d like to welcome several new members to our leadership team. These new leaders seek to close the technology gaps in our community by advancing the careers of African Americans in the IT industry from the classroom to the boardroom:
  1. Former chapter president Patrick Nelson (Unique Expressions) rejoins the board as the Benefits Department director. In this role, Patrick brings over 20 years of BDPA experience and technical acumen from his work at Procter & Gamble.
  2. Carmen Byes (Fifth Third Bank) is our Communications Department director. Her team will soon publish the first chapter newsletter in almost four years.
  3. Former chapter president Brenda Hogan (Duke Energy) agreed to serve as chair of our annual Awards Banquet Fundraiser. Stay tuned for more information on this event taking place later this year.
  4. VP-Member Services Karen Lipscomb and her business area have been relentless in their efforts to bring professional development programs and services to the chapter.
Also, I want to compliment the work of the membership management business area under the leadership of Wayne Hicks (Hicks Enterprises). His team worked hard to make BDPA Cincinnati the fastest-growing chapter in the nation! The quality of our chapter's member benefits continues to grow. Also our chapter grows closer with regular social events such as the visit to the Cincinnati Art Museum and the upcoming meet & greet at Mahogany's on the Banks soul food restaurant on June 26. The membership management team is working hard to ensure the members of the second-largest chapter in the nation FEEL our love as they connect and expand their personal and professional networks.

Finally, we want to congratulate VP-Fundraising Ellery Lewis (Procter & Gamble) and his wife, Amber-Renee on the recent birth of their first child, Elise Noelle Lewis. We wish continued blessings to the Lewis family.

I cannot close my monthly message without asking those members that are not actively engaged to step forward and lend a hand. There is so much more we can do but for the lack of willing members who can see the value of giving a few hours a month of their time to a greater cause. Won’t you consider being a part of this dynamic and focused team of technology professionals? Can you spare as little as five hours per month to support others in need? Let’s talk. Give me a call on (513) 549-6991 or send me an email and let’s chat about how you can give just a little and get so much in return.

Please consider joining the BDPA Cincinnati Chapter Board of Directors. We have a very strong team which works VERY well together to accomplish our mutual goals and objectives. You will be in the company of some really good (and SMART) people with a passion for not only YOUR success, but the success of our youth and our community. It is a positive team and we want you to be a part of it. Please consider taking one of the open positions within the chapter. No role is too small and the need is great. You can do this. We need you. Our communities need you. Our students need you. The open board positions can be found on our website. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

As always, your feedback is earnestly solicited. How is your BDPA membership working out for you? How can we improve the value of your membership? Send me a note or pull me to the side at the monthly program meeting. This is YOUR chapter. Are you feeling engaged?

Dalric Webb, president
BDPA Cincinnati Chapter
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