Saturday, August 8, 2015

Monsanto Provides Silver Level Sponsorship for BDPA Programs and Scholarships

BDPA recently announced Monsanto, as a Silver Sponsor supporting the 37th Annual National BDPA Technology Conference and Career Fair, "Evolution of IT--Embracing the Digital Future," August 19-22, 2015 at the Washington Hilton in Washington, D.C.
Pamela Mathews
On behalf of the National Board of Directors and the National Executive Committee, it is my honor and privilege to welcome Monsanto as a Silver Level Sponsor for the 2015 National Conference,” Pamela Mathews, National BDPA President. “It is only possible to provide the support our members receive through relationships and sponsorships from organizations like Monsanto. The BDPA family thanks Monsanto for their support."
Monsanto is recognized globally as a sustainable agriculture company who support farmers all around the world. Monsanto focus on empowering farmers—large and small—to produce more from their land while conserving more of our world's natural resources such as water and energy. Ranked 43rd on 2015 Top 50 Companies for Diversity; Monsanto’s CEO Hugh Grant was named one of the highest rated CEOs by Glassdoor.
For over 10 years now, Monsanto has been honored to be part of such an amazing organization. We value our relationship with BDPA and our sponsorship has allowed many high school students to be trained and compete in the High School Computer Competition, even placing 2nd in 2012,” said Vincent Shorter, Monsanto senior director. In addition he added, “We have awarded over $12,000 in scholarships to date and work closely with our local chapter on several initiatives. Monsanto employees and our community have benefited greatly from this longstanding relationship and I’m proud to be a member of both.

Today, BDPA is the largest African American information technology association in America. For 40 years, BDPA has enabled the upward mobility of African Americans and other minorities in the Information Technology and STEM fields. Because of BDPA’s focus on students and professional members alike, we continue to support and lead the upward success of our members “from the classroom to the boardroom”.
Jerry Walker
Jerry Walker, BDPA St. Louis president said, "We are proud that Monsanto demonstrates its commitment to BDPA’s mission both nationally and at home in St. Louis. One way that Monsanto has supported BDPA in St. Louis is by providing financial support, human resources, and facilities for our local High School Computer Competition team. Monsanto’s gift of time, talent, and treasure is very much appreciated.
To become a BDPA partner or sponsor like Monsanto or to learn more about the National BDPA Technology Conference and sponsorship opportunities, please contact BDPA Corporate Sales Team by email ( or phone (301.584-3135 x108).

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