Friday, January 1, 2016

Message from BDPA Philadelphia Chapter President

Cedric Edwards
Hello and Happy New Year! I am very excited about entering 2016 and fortunate that I will be operating as President of BDPA Philadelphia chapter. First, let me send a sincere thank you to Eileen Gadsden who has done a tremendous job as President of the chapter over the past few years. Her hard work and dedication will surely pave the way for a successful transition for me and the new board members. Please join me in thanking Eileen.

BDPA Philadelphia chapter has a rich and storied history of engaging in the local community and providing programs and services for our members. I look to continue on that path but I will need the help of our membership. The strength and success of our chapter lies largely within our members. The programs and services we deliver in Philadelphia should directly add value to our members and the local community. I will strive to increase our chapter membership and increase our brand awareness. I will work with our chapter members on engaging our high school and college youth in the programs BDPA offers. Through our programs and services, I will actively work with my board to strengthen current corporate sponsorships and develop new relationships.

I feel very positive about the future of our chapter and I want to welcome everyone to join me in ensuring BDPA Philadelphia is one of the top chapters of National BDPA. Working together we can make a difference!

Cedric Edwards, president
BDPA Philadelphia Chapter

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