Thursday, October 20, 2016

Norman Phillips Wins 2015 BDPA Epsilon Award for Outstanding Technical Contribution

Norman Phillips * Epsilon Award Winner
National BDPA annually selects and awards the BDPA Epsilon Award to recognize and celebrate key contributions and accomplishments of its members. Nominations are accepted across three categories and they are evaluated by a team of National BDPA members. One of the categories is Outstanding Technical Contribution. This honor is reserved for individuals who have pioneered new or leveraged existing technology to solve a critical industry, business or technical problem.

BDPA is pleased to announce that Norman Phillips has won the 2015 Epsilon Award for Outstanding Technical Contribution. His nomination was submitted by Information Technology manager Babacar Guisse (Procter & Gamble). He wrote,

Norman received the P&G Global Business Services Excellence Award for his work as the Lead Architect for Video Collaboration Services, which delivered $70M in travel savings. He is also the Technical Lead on the effort to move P&G to the cloud and a member of the Design Team for the 'Bring Your Own PC' solution. Norman has established his equity as the go-to technical expert for any Innovation and technical challenge.

BDPA is very proud to honor the works of Norman Phillips! We are glad that he won this 2015 Epsilon Award!

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