Tuesday, July 18, 2017

BDPA Confers Lifetime Achievement Award to Linda Clement-Holmes (Procter & Gamble)

BDPA will honor Linda Clement-Holmes, Procter & Gamble’s (P&G) first female African American President and Special Advisor to the P&G Chairman and Chief Information Officer, with their Lifetime Achievement Award during BDPA’s 39th Annual National Technology Conference Awards gala on Saturday, July 29, 2017 at the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.

BDPA is the largest African American information technology association in the U.S., and the largest national non-profit organization continually involved in training students underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).

Linda Clement-Holmes
Linda joined P&G in 1983 as a systems analyst, going on to become a global “executive of firsts” across several disciplines. She was the first African American senior vice president in the IT function, and the first female African American senior vice president, and now president, within P&G. Linda remains active in community, business, and service organizations, holding many Board of Director and Officer positions. As a role model for IT leaders, African Americans, and Women, Linda exemplifies Career Achievement.

Before serving as Special Advisor to the P&G Chairman and Chief Operating Officer, Clement-Holmes served as the company’s Chief Information Officer. As CIO, Linda was responsible for building the capability of the Company’s Information Technology (IT) function as well as providing IT governance oversight. She also designed and maintained a best-in-class employee and workplace experience aimed to help P&G people work simpler, faster, and with greater agility.

Pamela Mathews
We are privileged beyond words to present Linda Clement-Holmes with the Lifetime Achievement Award -- BDPA’s highest honor. Ms. Clement-Homes represents all that BDPA stands for in her illustration of supreme commitment and dedication to the Information Technology industry,” said Pamela Mathews, National BDPA Vice President and Conference Director.

For more details about the BDPA Lifetime Achievement Award or the BDPA corporate sponsorship program, contact the corporate sales support team at (301) 584-3135 ext.108 or corpsales@bdpa.org. Additionally, please visit www.bdpa.org.

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