Friday, November 3, 2017

Matthew Mugeni Will Use Bemley Scholarship at North Carolina State University

BDPA Education and Technology Foundation (BETF) is proud to announce that Matthew Mugeni will use the Bemley Scholarship awarded all the members of the BDPA Triangle High School Computer Competition (HSCC) team with a $1,000 college scholarship at North Carolina State University.

Matthew Mugeni * Bemley Scholar (2017)
We asked Matthew to share his thoughts on BDPA:

"I am 18 years old living in Raleigh, North Carolina. I graduated from Leesville Road High School and currently enrolled at North Carolina State University for Engineering. I have been part of BDPA for 4 years and for every year and I got the chance to attend and compete at the National Conference. In my final year of competing my team and I placed 3rd in the competition. I have loved every second I've been in BDPA and owe the organization a great thanks.

Without BDPA I would not have learned the technical skills of information technology, such as computer programming, or soft skills, such as public speaking and how to act or present yourself in corporate settings. Finally, BDPA allowed me to participate in a movement of Black professionals and allowed me to work with people that looked like me especially since there is a scarcity of people of color in STEM fields. Ultimately, BDPA has pushed me further to pursue my dreams of becoming a Black Professional in the STEM field as has also taught me never to waver from that dream."

BDPA is blessed to have such a young and talented student as a winner of the Bemley Scholarship. We look forward to supporting Matthew's career as he seeks to advance in the technology industry.

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