Sunday, June 7, 2009

Grant Declinaton: Sprint Foundation

BETF and BDPA Atlanta chapter learned that Sprint Foundation turned down our grant proposal on behalf of the Student Information Technology Education & Scholarship (SITES) program. The declination letter was sent to BDPA Atlanta chapter president Teresa Williams:

Dear Ms. Williams:

Thank you for submitting your grant proposal for the Student Information Technology Education & Scholarship (SITES) program. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you we are unable to provide the funding you seek.

The Sprint Foundation prioritizes its grant awards to programs that support youth initiatives, specifically K-12 public education, youth development (leadership, mentoring and community service), and arts and culture outreach programs designed to bring arts to at-risk and diverse children. Once an opportunity is identified as being eligible and in scope, it is evaluated for its ability to support the Sprint Foundation's philanthropic and community objectives within our budgetary restrictions.

Unfortunately, not all in-scope opportunities can be funded. By carefully selecting which projects to fund, we are able to have a greater impact on the opportunities we do choose to pursue.

We appreciate your consideration of the Sprint Foundation and hope you will understand that our response is in no way a reflection on the fine work accomplished through the BDPA Education And Technology Foundation. Although we are unable to provide funding, we wish you success with the Student Information Technology Education & Scholarship (SITES) program.

Ralph Reid, Executive Director
Sprint Foundation

We will continue to seek funding for the SITES program in Atlanta. Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions.


  1. Hi,

    • We have just added your latest post "Grant Declinaton: Sprint Foundation" to our Directory of Grant Programs . You can check the inclusion of the post here . We are delighted to invite you to submit all your future posts to the directory for getting a huge base of visitors to your website and gaining a valuable backlink to your site.

    Warm Regards

    Project Grant Team

  2. Martha - I 'spose that folks can learn even from negative news...


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