BDPA invited industry leaders, members, sponsors and other stakeholders to Atlanta for the 30th annual National BDPA Technology Conference. It was a very successful conference. One reason for that success was the remarkable hospitality of BDPA Atlanta chapter president Teresa Williams. We thought you would like to learn more about this powerful young sister!
Name: Teresa Williams (Compuware)
President, BDPA Atlanta Chapter
Address: P.O. Box 50462
Phone: (404) 306-0102
Website: http://www.bdpaatlanta.org/
Newsletter: Outlook (June 2008)
Teresa is responsible for leading the chapter and ensuring that the vision and mission of BDPA are effectively realized. As chapter president, Teresa serves on the National BDPA Board of Directors. Teresa has a passion for serving and building rela
tionships. Under her leadership the Atlanta Chapter has had significant growth. In 2008 the chapter held a series of Educational & Professional Development workshops.
The HSCC team trained by BDPA Atlanta chapter in 2008 won 2nd place in the Midwest Regional Competition and 5th place at the National Competition. In support of the HSCC program, the Atlanta Chapter Women’s Council was formed with the mission of providing mentoring opportunities for female high school students.
Teresa has over 20 years of Information Technology and professional experience including the implementation and management of business software solutions. She has worked in various industries as a Programmer, LAN Administrator, Application Manager and Project Manager. Teresa joined Compuware in 2008 as a Project Manager. In addition, Teresa is an Adjunct Instructor with Georgia Perimeter College where she teaches a Computer Fundamental course.
Teresa held many leadership positions at the local and national level with the American Business Women’s Association. Teresa held the office of 2004 National Secretary-Treasurer and 2003 District Vice President. She is a charter member of Hidden Hills Chapter in Stone Mountain and served as chapter president of the Hidden Hills Chapter for two years. She also served as the ABWA Atlanta Area Council Chairman and formation chair for the Southlake Chapter of ABWA.
Teresa holds an MBA in Technology Management from Mercer University and a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Behavioral Science from National Louis University.
Her favorite Bible quote is based on faith -- I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there" and it will move. Matthew 17:20
Her vision for the Atlanta Chapter "...is to promote the BDPA brand by creating opportunities that will allow our chapter to partner with other non-profit volunteer based networking groups and by taking the first steps to launch the Atlanta Corporate Advisory Council."
Favorite BDPA Memory: "My favorite BDPA memory is when Danna announced that our students "Team Atlanta" had won 5th place in the High School Computer Competition at the 30th National BDPA Technology Conference last year in Atlanta."
BDPA Atlanta enters the new year in a strong position as the 5th largest chapter in the nation. The sky is the limit for this chapter under the leadership of a powerful nubian sister such as Teresa Williams. I hope that you will take a moment to share some 'BDPA-Love' with Teresa in the COMMENTS section!
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