Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dr. Kyla McMullen (Clemson University) Wins BDPA Epsilon Award for 'Professional Achievement'

National BDPA annually selects and awards the BDPA Epsilon Award to recognize and celebrate key contributions and accomplishments of its members. The 'Outstanding Professional Achievement' award is presented to individuals who have reached or realized a significant milestone in their career, corporate or otherwise, that is noteworthy. One of the 2013 Epsilon Award winners in this category is Dr. Kyla McMullen, assistant professor in the Human-Centered Computing Division at Clemson University.

Dr. Kyla McMullen is the first African American woman to earn a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. At Michigan, she served in various graduate-level mentorship roles through AGEP (The Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate) and WISE (Women in Science and Engineering). Further demonstrating her commitment to the minority graduate community, she served as the President of SMES-G (The Society of Minority Engineers and Scientists – Graduate Component) and Vice President of both MUSES (The Movement of Underrepresented Sisters in Engineering and Science) and SMES-G. She is committed to increasing the number of African American scientists and engineers who possess academic excellence, professional success, and seek to spread their knowledge to help future generations. When Dr. McMullen received her PhD from the University of Michigan, it was a major step forward for all Blacks in technology.

Her technical prowess is shown through her numerous publications, which further contribute knowledge to computer science and engineering. In addition to her fellowship from the Horace. H. Rackham Graduate School she also earned a three-year fellowship through the Office of Naval Research.

Kyla accepts Epsilon Award from BDPA prez Monique Berry
Kyla is both a knowledgeable and committed asset to the information technology industry. She was a featured presenter at the 2013 BDPA Technology Conference ... in fact, she was a 'rock star' to all members of the BDPA family as they learned about her pioneering efforts at the University of Michigan. Soul clap to Dr. Juan Gilbert, winner of the 2008 Epsilon Award for Outstanding Technical Contribution, for submitting the 2013 Epsilon Award nomination for Dr. McMullen.

You can follow Dr. McMullen on Twitter: @Dr_Kyla
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