Saturday, December 6, 2014

BDPA Cincinnati Announces New VP-Strategy & Planning - Norman Phillips (P&G)

BDPA Cincinnati chapter, a nonprofit organization made up of racially diverse information technology professionals, announced a new member of its executive team. Norman Phillips was named the Vice President of Strategy & Planning (VPSP). Norman is an IT architect and manager of business transformation for over 30 years at Procter & Gamble (P&G). P&G is the largest corporation in Cincinnati. Norman is a YMCA Black Achiever as well as a volunteer with the youth ministries at Lincoln Heights Missionary Baptist. Norman received his computer sciences degree from Southern University.
I am honored and humbled to be appointed to the Cincinnati BDPA Board of Directors. BDPA was a strong influence in my life during my college years back in the 80’s and I am impressed with the influence it continues to have on the IT industry today,” says Norman Phillips. “Technology Innovation is more critical now than ever in determining the success of our nation and it is up to us to develop the future technology leaders, especially with our people of color. I have more than 30 years’ experience in the technology industry and feel I can help mold and inspire our next generation of leaders to get involved in Science and Technology. BDPA is one of the vehicles I plan to use to bring others into the technology industry.
In his new role, Norman works with a team of volunteers to develop and maintain the BDPA Cincinnati strategy and future planning process. His responsibilities also include managing organizational alliances, conducting assessments of BDPA and improving image of BDPA Cincinnati.
"We are delighted to have Norman join BDPA Cincinnati chapter as its VPSP. Norman brings a wealth of technical acumen and professionalism through an extensive network of contacts and personal relationships," says BDPA Cincinnati chapter president Dalric Webb. “We look forward to Norman helping set the strategic vision for the chapter for the next 3 - 5 years as we work to strengthen our partnerships within and throughout the greater Cincinnati area."
BDPA Cincinnati chapter is the second-largest chapter in the nation. BDPA is the premier organization for African American professionals in the information technology industry. For more than 25 years, BDPA Cincinnati has fulfilled its mission and worked to bridge the digital divide by providing career growth opportunities for its members. BDPA represents more than 3,000 members in 46 active chapters located across the United States.

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