Monday, July 11, 2011

The BDPA Insider - July 10, 2011

The BDPA Insider - July 10, 2011

What better way to start the day than with your weekly message from BDPA!

In this issue:
BDPA Los Angeles Chapter
  1. BDPA iRadio Show - July 12, 2011
  2. BDPA Legacy: Wesley Williams (BDPA Atlanta) 
  3. Blacks Gone Geek Live! 2011 BDPA Technology Conference
  4. Cloud Computing: 2011 BDPA Technology Conference
  5. Gregory Morrison: BDPA Epsilon Award Winner
  6. Grant Recipient: BDPA Los Angeles ($5,141)  
  7. Hustle Hard
  8. President Profile: Toni Love (BDPA St. Louis) 
Kudos to BDPA CIO Milt Haynes for his continued willingness to create this weekly message! 

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