Saturday, April 7, 2012

Grant Declination: Pacific Power Foundation (BDPA Los Angeles)

Bad news. Our grant proposal to the Pacific Power Foundation has been turned down. Earlier this year we submitted the proposal seeking $3,000 grant to support the youth education programs put on by the BDPA Los Angeles chapter. PacifiCorp provides services to California and other states in the western part of the country ... however, we now know that they do not service Los Angeles.

The declination letter read as follows:

Dear Mr. Hicks,

Thank you for your request for support from the Pacific Power Foundation. The foundation provides grants in communities where PacifiCorp and its divisions and subsidiaries have operations, employees or interests.

PacifiCorp does not have operations in the Los Angeles, California area. Therefore, the foundation is unable to consider your request since the project does not meet the geographic guidelines.

We wish you success with the project.

Best regards,
Laurie Simmons
Grant Administrator

We will continue to see out funding for the outstanding programs, scholarships and services implemented by BDPA Los Angeles chapter president John Malonson and his team.

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