BDPA Education and Technology Foundation approved a $5,000 grant for BDPA Dallas chapter. BDPA Dallas
chapter president Chad White submitted a request for the funding in July 2015. The purpose of the funding is to assist with traveling needs for BDPA Dallas students to attend the
National Conference later this month.
L-R: Christion Lankford, Amani Duncker, Jayln Jackson,
Kierra Obey, Ean Herrera, Jaden Reese |
The chapter selected five students who will represent the city in the annual High School Computer Competition championship. There will also be two chaperones in attendance to support the students. BDPA Dallas students have been training since early in the year for the championship. The students are always excited, motivated and eager to learn about the components of the competition process.
Much of the funding for this $5,000 grant came as a result of
volunteer grants secured by employees of BlueCross BlueShield of Texas. The chapter also received support from members of the
fundraising team on Crowdrise.
Good luck Dallas!
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