Thursday, October 24, 2013

Grant Award: CompTIA Member Communities ($5,833)

BDPA Education and Technology Foundation is pleased to report that CompTIA Member Communities have agreed to provide $5,833 in grant funding for the BDPA Student Information Technology Education & Scholarship (SITES) program. The funding comes from two sources within CompTIA - The Computing Technology Industry Association:
  1. $2,500 - Mobility Community (chair, Dave Sobel) - It is great to know that our SITES program will be adding a 'mobile applications development' component in 2014!
  2. $3,333 - Unified Communications (chair, Guy Yasika) - This is our second year in a row of getting funding from these wonderful folks!
Charles Eaton
The CompTIA Member Communities are a terrific mechanism for making sure that charities around the country and even the world that align with our mission are properly identified and supported,” said Charles Eaton, CEO of Creating IT Futures. “The community members take this task very seriously and do a great job. Each year we see new charities enter the fold.
We are very pleased in the growing strategic alliance between BDPA, CompTIA and the Creating IT Futures Foundation. All of us help populations that are under-represented in IT and individuals who are lacking in opportunity to prepare for, secure and be successful in IT careers. Funding over the past few years from Mr. Eaton and his cohorts has helped us provide funding for the Dr. Jesse Bemley Scholarships that have gone to some truly remarkable young people.

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