Dalric Webb |
We start the month of November having just completed the 2016 Strategy and Planning session. The volunteer leaders of the chapter have a clear vision and focus on delivering programs and engaging opportunities for BDPA members and the communities in which we live! The
2016 strategic plan was thoroughly vetted by the volunteer leaders and agreed upon as a solid plan to execute in delivering greater value to our members and the community at large. Next year is going to be just as exciting if not more so than 2015! Staying connected to the chapter is the watchword of the day!
BDPA Cincinnati Chapter continues to be the LARGEST BDPA Chapter in the nation for its 7th consecutive month! Congratulations to each of you that helps make this chapter great. I do hope you are engaged with the chapter in not only your membership, but what you desire from the chapter. We are only as strong as each of your engagement efforts – so let us know how we can help you get more engaged!
Speaking of engagement, if you missed our 19th Annual Education Banquet, you missed a real treat as we recognized our hard working students from the BDPA computer camp as well as the incredible volunteers who make the program happen. The hard work of
past chapter president Brenda Hogan produced an exceptionally well executed program that received many complements on its setup, layout, flow, and engaging opportunities. We had almost 100 registrants and the speaker,
LISNR chief executive officer Rodney Williams, was phenomenal!
As we turn head towards the end of the year, we enter into our bi-annual election cycle! All members should have received an email indicating the
nomination and election cycle. I encourage members to submit nominations for positions if interested and VOTE for the candidates when the election window opens. Stepping forward to lead such a strong organization as BDPA Cincinnati speaks volumes to the type of leaders you have within our ranks and within the local community. Thank you for being an active participant in the process.
Our engagement opportunity this month takes place at our November 2015 program meeting.
Barb Kruetzkamp,
Data Management Leader at GE Aviation, will lead an interactive discussion entitled '
Big Data - Friend or Foe?'.
BE SURE TO BRING YOUR RESUME! There are always two or more recruiters in the room ACTIVELY seeking candidates for employment. Attending a program meeting could be just the game-changing activity you have been looking for!
Dr. Tyra Oldham, LANDsds chief executive officer, will host a special interest group discussion on SMARTGrid Technologies. Are you interested in participating in the discussion and getting in on the ground floor to this dynamic shift in digital engagement? Are you looking for an entrepreneurial opportunity? Be a part of the discussion and contribute to the future direction of the group. Reply to
PM-SIG.cincy@bdpa.org to receive more information about this session.
Finally, how are you feeling about your membership? Did you receive your most recent issue of
Diversity at your home address? Have you had a chance to read through some of the articles? Which article struck a chord with you? Didn’t get your copy? Reach out to our
VP-Membership Management to make sure we have your correct mailing address in the database. Do you know
who the Vice Presidents are for your Chapter? Do you know how to reach any of the board members? When was the last time you visited the
National BDPA website? Do you like the changes you see? Do you have any recommendations on how to improve the site or provide more information to our members?
We need your engagement! Everyone has something they can contribute to making our chapter even better! Have a little time on your hands (say, 4 hours a month)? Consider joining the board. There are still a few openings available and we can certainly use your help. Take a look around the
chapter landing page and read some of the job descriptions for the positions listed. You will find we are a fun group of professionals that are committed to making a difference in our local communities.
Looking forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events,
Dr. Dalric Webb,
BDPA Cincinnati Chapter