These are the real-world issues that we will tackle during my presentation on 'The Art of Social Networking' later this month.
Here are the logistics for the meeting:
- Date - Thursday, October 22, 2009
- Time - 6:00pm thru 8:00pm
- Location - Offices of 5/3rd Bank - 5001 Kingsley Drive - Madisonville Office Bldg
I would love to have some insights from BETF-Blog readers. What information would be the most useful for you at a workshop like this one? What would you like to learn or talk about at such a session? Use the COMMENTS link below to post your comment and share your thoughts!
To: Mr. Wayne Hicks,
I (Michelle Hart) suggest and think you should explain the “A-Z” powerful social networking sites, tips, and techniques list below of professional and personal social networking sites and many other that you can find online to help demonstrate “how to use social networking technology tools” (i.e. Focus, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Xing, etc) to market your brand, improve and expand your professional and personal connection networks around the world...
A-Z powerful social networking sites:
A: Advogato—free community dedicated to open-source software development
B: Blogger—popular blogging website (owned by Google)
C: Classmates.com—helps members keep in touch with classmates from school, college and military service
D: del.icio.us—a website dedicated to managing bookmarks through storing, sharing and discovering
E: Ecademy—online networking for business, offline networking events and global networking groups
F: Facebook—site once limited to connecting only college students has expanded to include the general public
G: GuildCafe—community for computer and video game players (funded by IDG Ventures)
H: Hi5—personal global social networking site that focuses on membership of young people
I: IMVU—instant-messenging software using customized 3-D avatars
J: Jobster—social networking intersects with job searching
K: Kwout—a way to quote a part of a webpage as an image with an image map
L: LinkedIn—site dedicated to strengthening your business contacts and professional network
M: MySpace—originally focused on musicians, this general social networking site has mass appeal
N: Nexopia—formerly known as Facebox, this Belgian site is popular among young Europeans
O: Orkut—known for its easy-to-create discussion forums, this is one of the most popular sites in Brazil (owned by Google)
P: Plaxo—online platform that allows auto updates of business address book information
Q: Quotiki—a social quotes site that lets you quickly find and enjoy quotes
R: Ryze—site designed to connect entrepreneurs and other business professionals
S: Second Life—a 3-D virtual world where users can use voice and text chat to socialize, connect and create
T: Twitter—micro-blogging service focused on connecting friends, family and coworkers
U: Utterz—allows users to update their blog via short-message service (SMS) and multimedia message service (MMS)
V: Vox—blog platform built with extensive permission settings
W: Windows Live Spaces—(also known as MSN Spaces) this is Microsoft's social networking platform
X: Xing—(formerly known as Open/BC—Open Business Club) displays how each member is connected together, creating an "it's a small world" network for professionals
Y: Yahoo 360—Yahoo's social networking platform
Z: Ziggs—allows users to professionally market themselves online
Michelle Hart 30 years Technology and Business Advisor
Michelle - Your list is remarkable. I was not aware of over half of the powerful social networking sites on your list. I'm slowly but surely looking at each of them. Thank you very much for sharing it.
Advogato is an interesting aggregator of information related to open source software development. I'm not a programmer ... however, I suspect that we have some programmers reading this post. Any of y'all use Advogato?
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