Tampa-based Pilgrim Software announced it has received the Outstanding Achievement Award from the BDPA Greater Tampa Bay Chapter. The award was presented to acknowledge Pilgrim’s success as a world-leading provider of enterprise-wide compliance and qu

“Pilgrim has supported this organization through its memberships and donations at critical times, when we reached out to them,” said Frank Shines, BDPA Gr Tampa Bay chapter president. “Pilgrim employees have assisted the Tampa Bay chapter, helping us to train 15 at-risk teens this year and send three of them to the BDPA National High School Computer Competition in North Carolina earlier this month.”A

“As a leader, Pilgrim is committed to education and giving back to the community – to our customers, to the industries we serve, and to our local community,” Willett said. “We’re proud of the work that Pilgrim employees are doing in mentoring our youth. Likewise, Pilgrim recognizes and appreciates the job the BDPA is doing in discovering the untapped potential in our young – which will be the key to technology and business success for our future – and for the outstanding performance and dedication of these kids.”The award ceremony was held last month in conjunction with BDPA’s At-Risk Youth Charity Breakfast, presented to inspire and recognize local Greater Tampa Bay area teens for their achievements in business, technology, and health and fitness. In addition to the awards, the program included presentations by BDPA Greater Tampa Bay chapter president Shines and Ryan Nece, former Tampa Bay Buccaneer and founder of the Ryan Nece Foundation.
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