BDPA Cincinnati chapter president Janice Lee invited me to be the guest presenter for the October 2009 program meeting on 10/22/2009. We talked about The Art of Social Networking.
The interaction with the audience was excellent. We covered the basics of networking, benefits of networking, demographics of Internet users, creating a blog, LinkedIn Network, Facebook, Twitter and traits of a good or bad networker.
I promised the folks in the audience that I would make the slideshow of my presentation available to them. Here it is:
Congratulations on providing what appears to be an outstanding presentation on networking. I'm posting a link on my blog so that others can benefit from your slides.
Great job.
Iceman - Thank you very much for your kind words. It was my first time standing in front of an audience to talk about social networking. The audience last night seemed to appreciate the information as well...
Bravo Wayne! This presentation is fabulous! Good work!
Julius - Thank you for the kind words. Any thoughts on how we can encourage other chapters to share reviews of thier program meetings? How can we share information on location of program meeting presentations so that we don't have to re-invent the wheel 12 times per year .. 45 cities per month? What say u?
Sharing these presentations and other documents using SlideShare is great! It easily allows BDPA Thought Leadership to be known throughout the Internet.
Wayne, could we start with the past National Conference presentations that we get on CD? Possibly loading them on SlideShare.com and tagging them appropriately; to get this trend going?
Julius - Do you have access to the conference workshop presentations via a CD? I think that the idea is a great one. I only have access to my own presentation. I will upload it right now to SlideShare. I'm also willing to publish any program meeting slideshows on this blog if they are made available.
I 'spose that we start with like-minded BDPA leaders like you and Pablo. OK?
Wayne, I believe that every year for the last 3-4 years, when you got your conference bag at registration, it included a CD with the presentations. I have to find my bag from the Raleigh conference to see if the CD is still in it, but all prior years should be easily tracked down; someone was responsible for making them.
Would permission be needed before those presentations can be added to a BDPA SlideShare? Additionally, I have no problem sharing my presentations.
Julius - Let's begin with those presentations that we did ourselves. Perhaps Milt, John, Monique and others will join us in this effort. I did a search on SlideShare for current BDPA-related slideshows. I was surprised to find Oct 2009 program meeting presentation from BDPA St. Louis chapter.
I'll make a pledge to post any program meeting SlideShare presentations on this blog moving forward.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I hope that others join in the discussion.
I like the Plan!
Julius - I sent email message to the current BDPA chapter presidents about our idea. I've also moved our discussion to the BDPA Groupsite so that more people can join in. Consider adding your thoughts over in that venue if you have time or inclination...
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