Sunday, April 17, 2011

Grant Declination: Procter & Gamble Fund (BDPA Cincinnati)

We are sorry to report that our grant proposal to the Procter & Gamble Fund has been turned down. The grant proposal was a joint submission of BDPA Education and Technology Foundation (BETF) and BDPA Cincinnati chapter.

The declination response read as follows:

Dear Mr. Hicks:

Thank you for your interest in a grant from The P&G Fund. As you saw from our online guidelines and application, we are focusing our philanthropic resources primarily on Live, Learn and Thrive.

The P&G Fund's grant process is extremely competitive, and we cannot honor each organization's request. Unfortunately, we are not able to make a grant to your organization at this time.

This decision is not a reflection on your program; it is simply the reality that the quantity of high quality applications we receive far outweighs the available resources we have to distribute.

We wish you the best in your efforts to improve life for those in need!

The P&G Fund

This is a set-back to our funding efforts on behalf of the BDPA Cincinnati chapter, however, we will continue to move forward in an aggressive manner. You can help if you are so inclined. Please take a moment to visit the BDPA Cincinnati HSCC Scholarship Fund project. Even a donation as small as $10 would be a great morale boost for the chapter and its leadership.

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