He was kind enough to participate in our Take Five interview series:
- How did you get involved in working with BDPA? - I have always known about BDPA and stated that I would join one day. I saw BDPA as a great way to network with people from different industries and backgrounds. Since I did not know anyone from BDPA I kept putting it off. When I started working at Allstate I began meeting BDPA members. This was the perfect opportunity for me to join. Once I became a member my eyes was opened to all the great things that BDPA does for the communities. Each year I make it a priority to be involved in some way with BDPA.
- What is the most rewarding aspect of working with BDPA? - The most awarding aspect is the monthly meetings. I learn so much from the different presentations each month. From Speed Mentoring to Hot Technology, I use them all as a way to increase my industry knowledge. The connections that you make from attending meetings and volunteering for events are incredible.
- Tell us about a defining moment in your life? - The most defining moment in my life is when I realized that we are all the same. Sometimes we hold a person is such high regard that we fell to see that one day that could be us. I have learned that whether you are the bank president or the man in the stock room, we are all the same. We are only different based on circumstances and ambition. I use to get intimidated when talking with area managers and vice presidents. As I began to advance in the corporate world I had more contact with people in higher positions. I began to see that I had just as much business knowledge as them. AS I began to speak up in meetings I realized that without my contributions the company may not run as efficiently. In other words I began to see my worth and understand that being in a higher position did not make you any smarter or wiser then the next person.
- Who is your hero and why? - My hero would have to be my mother. She has defined my life and how I see others. Although I have always had a strong male figure in my life (my father), my mother is the person whom I wanted to emulate. She was always fair even when others were not. She would tell you the difference between right and wrong, but still allow you to make up your own mind and make your own mistakes. She is always there for me even when I just want to talk about nothing. She has taken in relatives that had nowhere else to go. She has given her last to help someone else. She will care about you even when you have given up on yourself. She is always there to make sure that you land on your feet. Although I now have my own family and kids, I must admit that I’m still learning from her today.
- Any advice for people considering donation to BETF? - BDPA is a wonderful organization that does a lot for the communities. Sometimes you don’t see how much they do until you are a member and sitting there in awe of how much work that has been accomplished. There are a lot of organizations out there because there is a lot of work to be done. Through BETF a person or company can help us educate our youth, feed our hungry, and take care of our communities. BDPA helps promote technology from going into classrooms to setting up computer labs, to putting on programming contests for our youth. Although Technology is one of our main themes, we also perform other charitable functions such as helping out with soup kitchens and organizing clothing drives. We are here to help our communities so that we all will have a better tomorrow.
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