Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Grant Declination: AirTran Airways

We learned today that our $4,500 funding request to AirTran Airways on behalf of BDPA Philadelphia chapter has been denied.

AirTran Airways wrote, "Thank you for affording AirTran Airways the opportunity to review your request for your event. As you may well imagine, AirTran Airways receives several hundred requests for support each week -- all of which, while for a worthy cause, cannot be granted. With the airline facing exceptionally high fuel costs and an increasingly competitive landscape, we are not able to participate in all of the opportunities presented to us at this time. We regret that we are not able to participate this year. Thank you for your interest in AirTran Airways."

Fortunately, BDPA Philadelphia chapter received corporate sponsorship funds large enough to cover the air fare for their HSCC team participation at the 30th annual BDPA Technology Conference in Atlanta GA.

Have you made donation or pledge to BDPA Foundation yet? Just reply to this message if you want to do so today!

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