Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Where Are They Now? BDPA Chicago Chapter SITES History (1989-2008)

We have a strong commitment on the BDPA Foundation to find the money to grow the Student IT Education & Scholarship (SITES) program around the nation. The odds increase as we develop a strong history of success in our efforts to impact on the lives of young people.

That is why I was very excited to learn that BDPA Chicago chapter is taking time to document the history of their SITES program from 1989 thru 2008. They created a webpage listing the students and volunteers in the chapter's SITES program over the years. [NOTE: The photo at the top of this post is the students in the 2005 Chicago SITES program].

I hope that other BDPA chapters will look upon this as a 'best practice'. How cool would it be to have some of our former SITES students or HSCC alumni back in 2011 as instructors, donors or chapter officers!

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