Wintino Jones passed away in August 2009 at a Philadelphia hospital. I last saw Wintino the week before his death in Raleigh NC for the national BDPA conference. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us.
Wintino is one of the most loyal and devoted BDPA brothers that I ever met. He never sought fanfare. You were as likely to see Wintino in the back of the room or on a lobby couch as you were to see him on stage. However, his warm and welcome greeting whenever you saw him was not to be missed or forgotten. I worked with Wintino back in the day on BDPA membership issues. He always brought a smile to my face with his humor and with his ability to 'cut to the chase'.
In recent years I would see Wintino at the annual conference. He was a wonderful bid whist partner if you were lucky enough to sit across from him. I will miss Wintino. My prayers go out to his wife, children and family.

Rest in peace Bro. Jones...
A few hours ago I received very sad news. Our dear friend, Wintino Jones, passed away Wednesday evening. I will always remember his loyalty, fairness, kindness, caring spirit, warmth and commitment. He never had an unkind thing to say about anyone or anything. He was compassionately honest. He was genuine, larger than life but in a quiet way. You always knew when he was around, not because he demanded attention, was boastful, posturing, arrogant, dismissive or loud but because he was fun, friendly, considerate, warm, inclusive and supportive.
If my memory serves me, Wintino came to BDPA while I served as chapter VP and Jayne Dawkins was Membership Chair. He'd sit in the back of the auditorium at Bell Atlantic during the program meeting, watching and listening, quiet except for introducing himself when we'd ask for visitors to stand. He'd show up month after month and sit in the back. We finally joked with him that if he didn't join we'd have to bar him from meetings. He explained that he hadn't yet made up his mind to join as commitment for him was serious. That turned out to be true. Within the next month or so we found the name Wintino Jones on the membership roll. To my knowledge he's been on the roll consistently since then, about 18 years or so.
Those that know him through BDPA know that he has been an active participant during all those years, dedicated to whatever task or project he accepted, from coordinating the chapter's 2nd youth conference, coordinating the job fair at a national conference, training local students for the HSCC, to simply lending a hand as we assembled our chapter documentation to send for the BDPA Chapter Awards submission. Others can recount the many other contributions he has made to BDPA. These are just a few of the things I know. Some of you shared time with him just last week in Raleigh, NC at the BDPA National Conference. I called him Wednesday to get a 1st hand re-cap but never got a return call. That's not like him to not return a call but of course now I know why.
Wintino had a huge heart. I can't think of BDPA without thinking of him but beyond that he was a true, steadfast, loyal friend. I wish I had another chance to tell him how much his friendship meant to me. I will miss him.
Very sad news I remember seeing him at the Delegates meeting on Friday morning. Prayers to his family and friends. You just never know..Enjoy life to its fullest.
Nancy & Matthew - Tomorrow is not promised. All of us need to learn as if we are going to live forever and live as if today is our last day...
My prayers are with Wintino's family and friends...
As I look back on those nights at the conference sitting in the lobby with him and having a good time and talking about our families, one really doesn’t know when. I don't know what to say... He was the last guy I saw Saturday morning as I check out and left the BDPA conference, man.
My prayers goes out to Wintino's Family, a good brother.
Larry - Bro. Jones was laid to rest in Philadephia yesterday. I'm told that there was a large turnout of BDPA members. Each of us needs to hold up Wintino's family in our prayers...
I am so sad with this news. I worked with Wintino Jones for three yrs at AT&T and Wintino was in my friend Fantasy Football. Wintino loved the eagles. I want to send my prayers to his family and it was a pleasure to have a good friend like Wintino Jones.
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