The only qualification is that the blogger needs to be of African descent. The blogger does not have to be a member of The AfroSpear or the Afrosphere Bloggers Association, although we invite all Black bloggers to join either (or both) of those organizations. We do think that these Top Ten Black Bloggers are important spheres of influence. Reach out and let them know that you appreciate the work they have put in over the past few months and years to get on this list. Hopefully, they will share their village voice with us right here on the BDPA Foundation blog or over on the Electronic Village
Anyhow, with no further ado, here are the Top Ten Black Bloggers for November 2007. The Technorati authority and rank numbers are shown in parenthesis. The authority indicates the number of blogs that are linked to this blogger over the past six months. The rank number indicates how many blogs are between the person listed and the #1 ranked blog in the world.:
- Pam Spaulding: Pam's House Blend (Authority: 1,092 / Rank: 2,325) - [Politics]The blog won the 2006 Web Log Award as the Best LGBT Blog. Pam has an opinion about most anything in the political realm.
- Angel Laws: Concrete Loop* (Authority: 1,033 / Rank: 2,526) - [Entertainment] This is a Black celebrity entertainment blog with gossip, music, celebrity interviews, pictures and such.
- Natasha E: Young, Black & Fabulous (Authority: 833 / Rank: 3,269) - [Entertainment] Natasha provides you with all the hot gossip in Black Hollywood. Her blog focuses on the fabulous side of Black pop culture, trends and music ... all from a young, Black, and fabulous perspective of course. Natasha currently has two blogs. This one is actually fading down the list as it has been discontinued in favor of her new one, which is currently #47 on the list.
- Fresh Crunkjuice: Crunk & Disorderly* (Authority: 788 / Rank: 3,331) - [Entertainment] This blog was created in August 2004, however, it didn't get serious until May 2005. This is an active entertainment blog. The motto is simple and direct, "In Fresh We Trust".
- Oliver Willis: Oliver Willis (Authority: 734 / Rank: 4,414) - [Politics] Oliver began this blog in April 2005. His tag linke says that he is kryptonite to stupid. He posts regularly on politics.
- Paula Mooney: Paula Mooney’s Tips (Authority: 622 / Rank: 5,746) - [SEO] Paula is a powerful source of ideas for any blogger looking to increase their visitor traffic. She is very enthusiastic about the power of blogging. She works on blogs with both her husband and her father and she was recently a featured speaker at BlogHer in Chicago, IL.
- Sokari Ekine: Black Looks (526/ 7,797) - [Social Sciences] This blog began in June 2004. It is primarily about issues that impact our brothers and sisters in Africa. Sokari is currently in London. Her posts cover a range of issues such as gender violence, racism, sexuality, HIV/AIDS and cancer. Sokari and her guest bloggers are all progressives, Africanists and activists with a strong belief in the power of the pen to bring about change.
- Darla Mack: Darla Mack News & Reviews (461 / 9,348) - [Technology] Darla is a sister with a technology blog that has a unique niche of Nokia devices, S60, Nseries, Eseries and Symbian. She focuses on mobile technology and nokia phone reviews.
- Steve Spaulding: How To Split An Atom (447 / 9,757) - [Technology] How To Split An Atom is a blog about using, abusing, and surviving in the Web X.0 landscape. It's Internet culture, split open. Steve provides a sprinkling of life hacks, meta filtering, personal projects and journalism all at a break neck pace.
- Patrice Yursik: Afro Bella* (379 / 12,130) - [Fashion] Patrice is a reformed tomboy from Trinidad. Her blog is dedicated to product reviews, ruminations about style, and interviews with women all shades of beautiful. Expect honest opinions about products, advertising, and entertainment specifically targeted to African American and Caribbean women.
HONORABLE MENTION (11-25): Republic of T, Keith Boynkin*, Entre les Lignes de Jo Ann, Sandra Rose, What About Our Daughters*, Truth & Opinion, The Angry Black Woman, Rod 2.0:Beta, Stereohyped*, BlackProf.com*, The Field Negro*, Black In Business*, Angry Black Bitch, African Path and RaceWire
Our rankings lean heavily on the Technorati Authority and Rank score for each blog. We figure that if your content is strong enough for others to link to ... that is a strong indicator of your influence. I am very open to hearing from you on other factors that should be considered in future monthly Top Ten Black Bloggers listings.
Those blogs with an asterisk after their name are winners in the 2007 Black Weblog Award contest held earlier this year. Post a comment below if you are a Black Blogger interested in learning what your ranking is in this month's list!
Thanks for the love. I think on of the black bloggers should take that task on to crack the top 50. I would support the cause.
Wow. Thank you so much for the honor! I can't tell you how much it means to me. I'm not yet at the level of any of the rest of the top ten, but someday I hope to be. My mama always told me, "Thursday's child has far to go." I'm on my way, and this is a wonderful indicator of that. Thank you again!
BigRayvin & Afrobella - You are both bloggers putting in the work. What you see is simply the results of your efforts. You are both positive role models for many of us.
Will either or both of you be attending the 2008 Blogging While Brown conference in Atlanta GA?
Thanks for the accolades! Have a fantastic day and keep up the good work.
Thank you so much for the including my blog. It means so much to be appreciated and recognised because blogging can be hard work. I feel humble as I have not been able to put as much work into my blog as I have in the past due to additional work pressure but I am hoping this will change in the next few weeks.
You are all doing a fantastic job and I look forward to the next months choice.
Thanks again - please note I am no longer in SA but now based in London.
Steve - You have one of the fastest moving blogs on the list. Your Technorati ranking moved up over 16% in just the past month. Keep doing what you do young brother!
Have you considered becoming a member of BDPA?
Sokari - We are all busy. You have come up with a good strategy of opening up your blog to guest bloggers.
Bravo to all, and bravo to Black Looks.
Wow!!!! Thanks so much. I feel so honored.
Rethabile - Your blog, Poefrika, is ranked #78 out of over 435 blogs being tracked by us at this time. Congrats!
Darla - Thanks for sharing your comments. You have put in the work and deserve the accolades. Can you remind me ... are you currently a BDPA member?
Hi Villager, no I'm not currently a BDPA member... yet.
I would very much like to attend, but I can't register just yet. I must say this conference is a great idea and I'd love to finally meet my friends in the blogosphere in real life. There is so much I need to buck up on technically as well, so I definitely need to make it to this.
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