Membership growth and retention is the backbone of a successful non-profit organization. Part of retaining members from year-to-year is dealing in a positive and proa

ctive manner with complaints.
Let's look at ten things members REALLY want, need and expect when they are complaining [
- To be treated with dignity and respect.
- To be offered flexibility and options.
- To talk to someone who is competent ... and confident.
- To have their problem solved FIRST TIME.
- To have prompt response to their problem/requests - be contacted when promised.
- To deal with one person; have ongoing access to that person if the problem is ongoing.
- To engage in clear and concise communication; not cloudy issues.
- To be provided with sufficient information to ensure the problem doesn't happen again.
- To know how long it will take to solve a problem.
- To be treated with appreciation for their business.
What is your take on this list? Share your thoughts using the
COMMENTS link shown below.
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