BDPA Charlotte Friends and Family,
I would like to share with you my vision and expectations of our chapter as we embark on what will be a renaissance period for BDPA Charlotte. If I think back as to why I joined BDPA 5 years ago, the reason was very simple. I wanted to keep moving forward and keep giving back. Those two things are the reasons for my commitment to the BDPA and it’s mission. As you read this, our minority communities are falling further and further behind in the skills necessary to keep up with the rapid changes in the world of technology. The gap that is developing as a result is known as the great digital divide.
As IT professionals in Charlotte, I feel that it is our responsibility and duty to aid and assist where possible in bridging this digital divide. We must direct our efforts at serving the community, keeping the community educated, and keeping our community employed.While we are doing this however, we must keep ourselves educated on the latest and greatest technologies and processes and be the leaders we are destined to be as a chapter. Remember, we are not only competing locally in our industry, but also on a global level. I hope that you consider this a call to action and plan to join me and the Charlotte Board of Directors over the next 2 years in fulfilling our responsibilities.
During my time at Winston-Salem State, I was doing well in my studies and I felt as if Iwas doing what was just enough to make a positive contribution to society. In the back of my mind, however, I always felt as if I could do more, and that I needed to do more….Well, it wasn’t until I was pulled aside by a mentor at Winston-Salem State, that I learned that you get out of life what you put in to it. I was told that unless "you keep moving forward and keep giving back to help others move forward", then your greatest potential will never be truly realized. I really did not understand what that meant until I began working with the HSCC program here in Charlotte through the BDPA. To see students learn the necessary skills to bridge the digital divide and gain internships and become graduates of high school and college, that is when I realized what my mentor was referring to.
Now as President of the Charlotte Chapter, my focus is to ensure the same thing continues to happen with our students and also with adults and our community in general. I hope you will use the BDPA to help you fulfill all the potential you possess while helping others in the process. If you are interested in joining us, please contact me or anyone on the Charlotte Board of Directors. We are eager to have your help and your skills. Your contribution of time and effort will be just as invaluable to others as the rewards you will receive by giving back to our community.
I look forward to working and serving this great community over the next 2 years. Never hesitate to contact me to let me know your thoughts.
Charles Moore, President
BDPA Charlotte
Email: charlotte@bdpa.org
Phone: (704) 654-8114
Care to share any words of encouragement for our brothers and sisters in Charlotte?
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Any comments for the Charlotte chapter president?
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