Judaea Lane is my colleague on the National BDPA Board of Directors. She brought a sense of optimism and positive energy to the BDPA New York chapter that hadn't been seen for many years. The results have been staggering. Under Judaea's leadership the chapter is now the 2nd largest chapter in the nation!
Take a moment to read a message shared by Judaea with her chapter members, supporters and sponsors.
Dear BDPA Family,
Happy New Year! On behalf of the Executive Team of BDPA New York, I want to thank you for your continued support for our chapter. It is a great opportunity to serve the New York community as there are far too few organizations like BDPA who were pathfinders paving the way for African Americans in the job market. Over 30 years of advancing careers, BDPA is still a major force supporting African Americans in the information technology industry. BDPA New York, incorporated in 1982,remains committed to excellence and a willingness to give more to our community. Our mission will be to ensure that our community is given tools to compete so that they will be given the opportunity to learn and become skilled in the areas of Information Technology and Business.
Professional Development - Our professional development forum is an opportunity for guest speakers to address our members on their professional knowledge, experiences and important trends in information technology.
These program meetings are held every 3rd Thursday of each month. Networking begins at 6PM and refreshments will be served. Please don’t forget to bring your business cards. The events are free, however we ask that you RSVP. You can RSVP for this event by phone (212.802-5342) or email. Please join us as we welcome the following guest speakers:
Collaborative Partnerships -
- Thursday, February 21st, Randall Mosby, MOMA’s Manager of Network Services - He will share with members his key role in implementing the museum internal network and technology upgrade. Also he will address the major issues one must consider to ensure smooth network operations. This event will take place at Con Edison, 4 Irving Place between E. 14 & E. 15th Streets, Union Square Area, New York City.
- Thursday, March 20th, IT Professionals have been invited to spend the evening with the Executive Team of UBS, one of the world’s leading financial firm. The guest speaker is Maxim Samo, Director of Information Technology Infrastructure. The topic for the evening is Data Centers – Overview and Challenges. Maxim will address the major issues corporations consider to ensure smooth data center operations. This event will take place at 1285 Avenue of Americas at 51st Street, New York, NY. Also for those members who are interested in career opportunities, please reference UBSjob postings on our site.
Volunteer Opportunities - The biggest joy in belonging to BDPA comes from being able to give back to the organization and the community. BDPA’s success rests squarely on the shoulders of member volunteers. If you have 5 hours a month to give back and make a difference, please sign up for the following committees:
- Please join UBS and Women in Technology International (WITI) for an evening of networking to benefit Dress for Success, an organization that empowers low income women to succeed in the workplace. The date is Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 6pm - 8pm and the logistics is 1285 Avenue of the Americas. Space is limited.
- Join our sister chapter, BDPA New Jersey, as they celebrate its past and sharing its vision for the future by hosting its Annual Awards Banquet. The purpose of the celebration is to recognize sponsors and individuals who have dedicated their time and resources to BDPA programs and services. The theme of this event is "Celebrating Our Past and Soaring into Our Future". Visit BDPA New Jersey’s website for additional information.
- BDPA students are invited to participate at the Career Day 2008 at Riverside Church. This free event takes place on Saturday, February 2nd from 9AM to 3PM at 91 Claremont Avenue. To register and learn more call 212-870-6828.
- National BDPA seeks experts and dynamic presenters to share their knowledge and expertise in technology through interactive sessions. NOTE: In order to submit an abstract, you will have to access our membership database system. Please either use your existing member account or create a non-member account in order to submit your presentation abstract. They are accepting abstracts in two forums: Student Forums and Professional Forums. For additional information visit National BDPA website.
Thank you BDPA Member John Brathwaite for taking photos at our last holiday event.
- Education and Community Outreach - We have approximately 25 students in our SITES program. Trainers are needed to share technical and business expertise. Kudos to Denworth Billy, CEO of Bolt Solutions and our VP of Membership Management. Denworth will present to students in the month of February on the topic of Biometric Engineering. If you are interested in joining this community please contact Denise Hamilton, Director of Education & Community Outreach.
- Professional Development Committee - This committee coordinates forums of focused discussions where guest speakers are invited to address our members on their professional knowledge, experiences and important trends in information technology. In addition these forums also provide an opportunity to develop business relationships, make new acquaintances and network with other professionals of New York in a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere. The forums are held every 3rd Thursday of each month. If you are interested in joining this community please contact Evelyn Poole, VP of Membership Services.
In closing I want to share a quote by Dr. Benjamin Mays "It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in not having a goal to reach for." If you have a goal to reach for, consider joining our chapter so that we can help you make it happen.
With BDPA love,
Judaea Yarde Lane, President
BDPA New York Chapter
Motto: 'Advancing Careers from Classroom to Boardroom'
(212) 802-5341
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