Monday, June 16, 2008

BETF YouTube Channel Goes LIVE!

The BDPA Education & Technology Foundation seized the opportunity to launch our YouTube Channel earlier this month.

YouTube is a powerful medium used to broadcast the BDPA Foundation Cause to a large and growing online video community. Here is an example of the information we can share through our BETF YouTube Channel.

Marketing the BDPA Foundation Brand through this video channel will drive traffic to BDPA and raise the visibility of our fundraising campaigns to attract and connect with supporters, volunteers, donors and students.

Our BETF YouTube Channel provides a centralized “video space” to help differentiate our brand, capture and tell our compelling stories -- pictures are worth a thousand words -- and highlight our accomplishments.

We seek support from BDPA members, chapters and national officers.

  • Do you have a story to tell?
  • Do you have a donor to acknowledge?
  • Do you have a testimonial to share?
  • Do you have a scholarship recipient?

If so, please share with us today so that we might add to the brand-new BETF YouTube Channel!

Kudos to Ura Puranda (BETF YouTube Channel Coordinator) and her team for making a reality of this marketing idea! Ura and her team would be interested in your thoughts on the new YouTube Channel. What say u?

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