Saturday, August 11, 2012

BDPA IT Showcase: 'Social Media: Let's Get Conn_Ected' (Alilea Fitzgerald)

Alilea Fitzgerald is a junior at Columbus South High School in Columbus, OH. After graduation she wants to pursue a career in forensic science. This is her first year competing in the BDPA IT Showcase. Her research was entitled, ‘Social Media: Let’s Get Conn_Ected’.

Communication right now is the best way to get into people’s heads. Communication has been used by rulers to gain control and power and attention of the readers or listeners. Today we use social media to communicate, control, gossip and grab people’s attention with marketing. People can be anywhere in the world and look at Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and so forth.

Ms. Fitzgerald’s research gave information on how social media works, how it is used in society, its impact and the barriers that confront it in the future. Ms. Fitzgerald is another ‘future face of technology’ brought out into the world by the works of BDPA.

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