Lee Reed, Jr. was the captain of the high school computer competition team trained by BDPA Chicago chapter. Lee earned $13,000 in scholarships from BDPA for his participation in our youth education programs. Also, he won three computers, a printer, an iPod, a Zune, a nice watch, and an XBox 360 Elite. Not to mention complimentary all-expense paid trips to seven of the 50 states.
Do you ever wonder how parents of our HSCC alumni feel about BDPA? I don't recall ever seeing anything written by a parent before. As such, we are proud to share with you words from the parents of Lee Reed Jr. Here is what they wrote:
As you know, we are so appreciative of the experience and knowledge that Lee has gained as a student member of BDPA! Because of BDPA, Lee is comfortable speaking with C-level executives, as well as his peers. This past summer, Lee interned with JP Morgan Chase, a BDPA supporter. Because of the comfort level that Lee gained speaking with executives through his BDPA involvement, the CFO of his division at JP Morgan Chase, as well as other top-ranking executives, became his personal mentors.
BDPA teaches the students teamwork and networking skills; how to facilitate meetings, deliver speeches, plan, organize and execute, in addition, to programming. In addition, Lee was taught how to conduct himself at conventions, and has traveled with BDPA to Atlanta, Detroit, Cincinnati, Dallas, Indianapolis, Los Angeles and Washington DC.
When Lee applied to colleges, he was able to demonstrate skills by reference in his college and scholarship applications, because he learned them through BDPA. Lee was accepted with scholarships to: Duke, Carnegie Mellon, Northwestern, Georgia Tech, University of Illinois, and the University of Michigan. He is currently enrolled at the University of Michigan in engineering. He was awarded the U of M Bell scholarship, ($80,000), primarily, because of his computer skills and other skills he acquired as a member of BDPA. All in all, Lee received $150,000 in total scholarships (full-ride), that will be used toward tuition, room and board and fees at U of Michigan.
Colleges are looking for students with the background that BDPA teaches its students. I encourage all parents to introduce BDPA to other students, families and friends. Lee plans on being a lifetime member of BDPA, and will be a participant at future events and conventions, further expanding his knowledge base.
Thank you,
Mr. and Mrs. Reed
Lee Reed's parents
Are you a parent? If so, what do you think about what Mr. and Mrs. Reed had to say?
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