BDPA Washington DC is the 3rd largest chapter in the nation. They are led by a young brother who I have known for the past 17 years ... Perry Carter. Perry was trained by the military (US Marines). He brings his precision skills to his leadership of the BDPA Washington DC chapter ... and the results are self-evident.
Here is a message that he wrote to his members and supporters earlier this month:
Dear BDPA Chapter Members and Associates
Thank you for your continued support of local BDPA Chapters. I am writing you on behalf of the BDPA Washington DC Chapter, an IRS 501(c)3 public charity, to cordially invite you and guests to celebrate our chapter’s 30th anniversary. The DC chapter’s mission is to promote economic development of minority and underserved communities in our region through utilization of information technology by providing professional and youth development programs, training support, and educational services.
On Wednesday, November 12, 2008, BDPA Washington DC chapter will host a Gala and Awards Banquet at the NDW Conference Center (Washington Navy Yard) to help raise $150,000 for award-winning youth development programs. Also honored will be our Founders, former Chapter Presidents, and industry milestones accomplished during our 30-year timeline.
Thus far, in 2008, local BDPA student members successfully captured over $125,000 in scholarships, internships and grants from various programs and foundations. Direct support from corporations, colleges, universities, and individual patrons for BDPA and related community programs, continues to advance our global STEM priorities through regional High School Computer Competition (HSCC) initiatives to the forefront of underserved and minority communities --- during the toughest of socio-economic times.
Throughout our rich history, BDPA, formerly known as Black Data Processing Associates, has distinguished itself through selfless contributions from its members. Moreover, previous DC chapter administrations sponsored strategic expansion initiatives by creating new charters that established BDPA chapters in Baltimore, Northern Virginia and Richmond. Next quarter, our region formally adds a new BDPA chapter in the Hampton Roads area.
BDPA Washington DC chapter enthusiastically salutes our students, HSCC coordinators, members, corporate sponsors and non-profit partnerships. We welcome your continued support to become a more visible community advocate and infrastructure partner in 2009. To that end, please join me and our distingquished guests on November 12th for a fun-filled ‘Tuxedos & Technology’ evening. We encourage you to enter 2009 with exciting investment opportunities for BDPA programs, corporate growth and dynamic career engagements.
Perry Carter, president
BDPA Washington DC Chapter
I hope that those of you in the Washington DC area next month can make plans to attend the 30th anniversary celebration!
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