Thursday, July 29, 2010

Grant Declination: Duke Energy Foundation (Charlotte)

We learned today that the grant proposal to Duke Energy Foundation was turned down.   BETF-Blog readers may recall that BDPA Education and Technology Foundation (BETF) and BDPA Charlotte chapter partnered on a $15,050 grant proposal seeking funds for the chapter's Student Information Technology Education & Scholarship (SITES) program.

The declination letter read as follows:

Dear Mr. Hicks:

Thank you for the invitation to support your organization. Your online grant application was forwarded to me as the Foundation Manager for further review.

Each request for support is thoroughly analyzed and evaluated in relation to our philanthropic areas of focus and available resources. We regret that we cannot support this event due to previous commitments and structured guidelines.

For more details on our philanthropic areas of focus, please visit the Duke Energy website. Thank you again for the invitation. We wish you much success with your endeavors.

Cheryl L. Teasdell

We will continue to look for funds to support BDPA Charlotte chapter. Let us know if you have any fundraising ideas that we should consider!

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